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Effect - cell (4 Assets)

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1106295141 2017-03-15


OXYGEN 2015-10-14


zlmyssj 2015-07-13

有意思 这个

Rafael Cardoso 2013-12-13

love it

roens 2013-11-12
min1max 2013-11-12

@roens You're right. Word virus sounds like if you download it, your computer will catch a flu :D Thought naming it "bad cell" but I didn't like it either. it's just a tag until I make some antivirus :)

@min1max waiting for this!

disound 2013-11-12


min1max 2013-11-12
roens 2013-11-12

This cell looks like virus but has a atomic structure:)

@roens You're right. Word virus sounds like if you download it, your computer will catch a flu :D Thought naming it "bad cell" but I didn't like it either. it's just a tag until I make some antivirus :)

roens 2013-11-12 atomic structure

roens 2013-11-12

This cell looks like virus but has a atomic structure:)

About This Work

10 coins    7 downloads   .zip   76.2K


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