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Tips: you can use Sparticle for uploading away3D effects.

Tips: you can download Sparticle for uploading effects.

Tips: The ActionScript editor is supporting Away3D, Starling, Dragonbones and Flex frameworks.

Tips: paste the web page URL then click button:)

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Effect - 火焰

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    wandengren 1076611052 2318212518 apacal 江西沙漠浪子 765410582 yl25349558 这只兔子有点疯 wangjinqing yufan6333 XeroO0O wangzhigang 黄钰 XueYuJiMoNan yuiop 1334001351 2162965895 renxlin

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海之沐 2018-07-18


About This Work

10 coins    21 downloads   .plist   7.6K


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1 Branches

Guess You Like

  1. Boom2
  2. particle_texture


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Collected in

  1. Comet Effects
  2. TrailFx
  3. 火焰

su8per's More Works

  1. 爆炸_fire
  2. 火焰
  3. particle_小跑
  4. 烟尘_小跑

Open in Mobile Device

  1. 火焰


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