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Tips: you can use Sparticle for uploading away3D effects.

Tips: you can download Sparticle for uploading effects.

Tips: The ActionScript editor is supporting Away3D, Starling, Dragonbones and Flex frameworks.

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Effect - Super Mario Bros. (25 Assets)

Even Mario can't have enough Bitcoins.
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modify ; description to Even Mario can't have enough Bitcoins.
In Firefox use Ctrl + Mouse-wheel to zoom out.; attachment updated   Preview
modify ; description to Even Mario can't have enough Bitcoins.
Use Ctrl + Mouse-wheel to zoom out.; attachment updated   Preview
create Super Mario Bros.   Preview

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9 downloads    9 comments    6679 views    18 likes

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Kamasutra Club 2021-07-02

Nice job

514131270 2015-04-16


C.P. 2014-07-28


particle 2014-07-26


inCreactive 2014-07-25
roens 2014-07-25

!!! incredible!!! how did you do this!!!

I started by making a Mario out of different colored cubes arranged using Lua, you can still see this method used in the question box if you download the source file. But it's not very efficient so I used 3ds Max to model the rest of the scene. The animations were done with delayed loops and Spritesheets that make the models transparent half of the time.

roens 2014-07-25

!!! incredible!!! how did you do this!!!

inCreactive 2014-07-24
Liao Cheng 2014-07-22

Using Sparticle to build thi scene. Incredible!


Liao Cheng 2014-07-22

Using Sparticle to build thi scene. Incredible!

disound 2014-07-22

wow! really interesting!

About This Work

25 coins    9 downloads   .zip   65.1K


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inCreactive's More Works

  1. Super Mario Bros.
  2. Matrix Digital Rain
  3. Lunar Phases
  4. To The Moon!

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  1. Super Mario Bros.


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