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var regl = createREGL(); var mousePosition = [0.5, 0.5]; var palmsImageTexture = regl.texture(document.getElementById('palms-at-night')); var palmsImageMapsTexture = regl.texture(document.getElementById('palms-at-night-maps')); var drawBackground = regl({ /** * Depth settings */ depth: { enable: false }, /** * The vertex shader */ vert: '\n precision mediump float;\n\n attribute vec2 a_position;\n varying vec2 v_position;\n\n void main() {\n v_position = (a_position + 1.0) * 0.5;\n v_position.y = 1.0 - v_position.y;\n gl_Position = vec4(a_position, 0.0, 1.0);\n }\n ', /** * The fragment shader */ frag: '\n precision mediump float;\n\n varying vec2 v_position;\n\n void main() {\n vec2 position = v_position.xy;\n\n vec3 vColor = vec3(0.035, 0.07, 0.098) * (position.y + 0.4) * 1.2;\n gl_FragColor = vec4(vColor, 1.0);\n }\n ', attributes: { a_position: [[-1, -1], [1, -1], [-1, 1], [-1, 1], [1, -1], [1, 1]] }, count: 6 }); var NUM_POINTS = 700; var VERT_SIZE = 4 * (2 * 1); var pointBuffer = regl.buffer(Array(NUM_POINTS).fill().map(function () { return [2 * Math.random() - 1, 2 * Math.random() - 1, Math.random()]; })); var blendWithBackground = { enable: true, func: { srcRGB: 'src alpha', srcAlpha: 1, dstRGB: 'one minus src alpha', dstAlpha: 1 }, equation: { rgb: 'add', alpha: 'add' } }; var drawStars = regl({ /** * Blend settings */ blend: blendWithBackground, /** * Depth settings */ depth: { enable: false }, /** * The vertex shader */ vert: '\n precision mediump float;\n\n attribute vec4 a_position;\n attribute vec4 a_size;\n\n uniform float u_dpi;\n uniform float u_tick;\n uniform float u_image_clip_x;\n uniform float u_image_clip_y;\n uniform vec2 u_mouse;\n\n vec2 clip(vec2 position) {\n position.x = position.x * (2.0 - (2.0 * u_image_clip_x)) + u_image_clip_x - 1.0;\n position.y = position.y * (2.0 - (2.0 * u_image_clip_y)) + u_image_clip_y - 1.0;\n return position;\n }\n\n vec2 depth(vec2 position) {\n vec2 intensity = vec2(0.01, 0.002);\n return position + (intensity * u_mouse);\n }\n\n vec2 movement(vec2 position) {\n float xRate = -0.0002;\n float yRate = 0.00007;\n return position + vec2(xRate * u_tick, yRate * u_tick) * u_dpi;\n }\n\n vec2 repeat(vec2 position) {\n position = (position + 1.0) / 2.0;\n position = fract(position);\n position = (position * 2.0) - 1.0;\n return position;\n }\n\n void main() {\n vec2 position = a_position.xy;\n position = depth(clip(position));\n position = movement(position);\n position = repeat(position);\n\n gl_PointSize = 1.0 + (a_size.x * 2.0);\n gl_Position = vec4(position, 0.0, 1.0);\n }\n ', frag: '\n precision mediump float;\n\n void main() {\n if (length(gl_PointCoord.xy - 0.5) > 0.5) {\n discard;\n }\n\n gl_FragColor = vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.7);\n }\n ', attributes: { a_position: { buffer: pointBuffer, stride: VERT_SIZE, offset: 0 }, a_size: { buffer: pointBuffer, stride: VERT_SIZE, offset: 8 } }, uniforms: { u_dpi: window.devicePixelRatio || 1, u_image_clip_x: regl.prop('imageClipX'), u_image_clip_y: regl.prop('imageClipY'), u_tick: regl.context('tick'), u_mouse: regl.prop('mousePosition') }, count: NUM_POINTS, primitive: 'points' }); var drawPalms = regl({ /** * Blend settings */ blend: blendWithBackground, /** * Depth settings */ depth: { enable: false }, /** * The vertex shader */ vert: '\n precision mediump float;\n\n attribute vec2 a_position;\n varying vec2 v_position;\n\n void main() {\n v_position = (a_position + 1.0) * 0.5;\n v_position.y = 1.0 - v_position.y;\n gl_Position = vec4(a_position, 0.0, 1.0);\n }\n ', /** * The fragment shader */ frag: '\n precision mediump float;\n\n #define PI 3.14159265359\n\n varying vec2 v_position;\n uniform float u_tick;\n uniform sampler2D u_image;\n uniform sampler2D u_maps;\n uniform float u_image_clip_x;\n uniform float u_image_clip_y;\n uniform float u_dpi;\n uniform vec2 u_resolution;\n\n vec2 clip(vec2 position) {\n position.x = position.x * (1.0 - (2.0 * u_image_clip_x)) + u_image_clip_x;\n position.y = position.y * (1.0 - (2.0 * u_image_clip_y)) + u_image_clip_y;\n return position;\n }\n\n vec2 pixel() {\n return vec2(1.0 * u_dpi) / u_resolution;\n }\n\n float wave(float x, float freq, float speed){\n return sin(x * freq + ((u_tick * (PI / 2.0)) * speed));\n }\n\n vec2 waves(vec2 position) {\n float mask = texture2D(u_maps, position).b;\n\n vec2 intensity = vec2(0.7, 0.4) * pixel();\n\n vec2 waves = vec2(\n wave(position.y, 19.0, 0.035),\n wave(position.x, 10.0, 0.05)\n );\n\n return position + (waves * intensity * mask);\n }\n\n void main() {\n vec2 position = clip(v_position.xy);\n\n float mask = 1.0 - texture2D(u_maps, position).r;\n vec2 turbulence = waves(position);\n vec4 color = texture2D(u_image, turbulence) * mask;\n\n gl_FragColor = vec4(color.rgb, mask);\n }\n ', attributes: { a_position: [[-1, -1], [1, -1], [-1, 1], [-1, 1], [1, -1], [1, 1]] }, uniforms: { u_image: palmsImageTexture, u_maps: palmsImageMapsTexture, u_image_clip_x: regl.prop('imageClipX'), u_image_clip_y: regl.prop('imageClipY'), u_dpi: window.devicePixelRatio || 1, u_tick: regl.context('tick'), u_resolution: function u_resolution(_ref) { var viewportWidth = _ref.viewportWidth, viewportHeight = _ref.viewportHeight; return [viewportWidth, viewportHeight]; } }, count: 6 }); regl.frame(function (_ref2) { var viewportWidth = _ref2.viewportWidth, viewportHeight = _ref2.viewportHeight; regl.clear({ color: [0, 0, 0, 1], depth: 1 }); var clips = getClips(palmsImageTexture.width, palmsImageTexture.height, viewportWidth, viewportHeight); drawBackground(); drawStars({ imageClipX: clips.x, imageClipY: clips.y, mousePosition: mousePosition }); drawPalms({ imageClipX: clips.x, imageClipY: clips.y }); }); var curve = function curve(v) { var p = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 0.8; return v == 0 ? 0 : Math.pow(Math.abs(v), p) * (v / Math.abs(v)); }; var smooth = function smooth() { var n = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 6; var samples = []; return function (v) { samples = samples.concat(v); if (samples.length > n) { samples = samples.slice(samples.length - n, samples.length); } return samples.reduce(function (l, cur) { return l + cur; }) / samples.length; }; }; var isTouchDevice = 'ontouchstart' in document.documentElement; var smoothX = smooth(); var smoothY = smooth(); /** * Listen to the mouse or device motion events */ if (!isTouchDevice) { window.addEventListener('mousemove', function (event) { mousePosition = [-curve(-1 + event.pageX / window.innerWidth * 2), -curve(-1 + event.pageY / window.innerHeight * 2)]; }); } if (isTouchDevice) { window.addEventListener('devicemotion', function (event) { mousePosition = [curve(smoothX(-event.accelerationIncludingGravity.x)) * 2, curve(smoothY(-event.accelerationIncludingGravity.y))]; }); } function getClips(imageWidth, imageHeight, containerWidth, containerHeight) { var clips = { x: 0, y: 0 }; var imageRatio = imageWidth / imageHeight; var containerRatio = containerWidth / containerHeight; if (imageRatio > containerRatio) { var scale = containerHeight / imageHeight; var width = imageWidth * scale; clips.x = Math.abs((containerWidth - width) / width / 2); } else { var _scale = containerWidth / imageWidth; var height = imageHeight * _scale; clips.y = Math.abs((containerHeight - height) / height / 2); } return clips; }
img { display: none; }
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