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"use strict";"object"!=typeof window.CP&&(window.CP={}),window.CP.PenTimer={programNoLongerBeingMonitored:!1,timeOfFirstCallToShouldStopLoop:0,_loopExits:{},_loopTimers:{},START_MONITORING_AFTER:2e3,STOP_ALL_MONITORING_TIMEOUT:5e3,MAX_TIME_IN_LOOP_WO_EXIT:2200,exitedLoop:function(o){this._loopExits[o]=!0},shouldStopLoop:function(o){if(this.programKilledSoStopMonitoring)return!0;if(this.programNoLongerBeingMonitored)return!1;if(this._loopExits[o])return!1;var t=this._getTime();if(0===this.timeOfFirstCallToShouldStopLoop)return this.timeOfFirstCallToShouldStopLoop=t,!1;var i=t-this.timeOfFirstCallToShouldStopLoop;if(i
this.STOP_ALL_MONITORING_TIMEOUT)return this.programNoLongerBeingMonitored=!0,!1;try{this._checkOnInfiniteLoop(o,t)}catch(o){return this._sendErrorMessageToEditor(),this.programKilledSoStopMonitoring=!0,!0}return!1},_sendErrorMessageToEditor:function(){try{if(this._shouldPostMessage()){var o={action:"infinite-loop",line:this._findAroundLineNumber()};parent.postMessage(JSON.stringify(o),"*")}else this._throwAnErrorToStopPen()}catch(o){this._throwAnErrorToStopPen()}},_shouldPostMessage:function(){return document.location.href.match(/boomerang/)},_throwAnErrorToStopPen:function(){throw"We found an infinite loop in your Pen. We've stopped the Pen from running. Please correct it or contact"},_findAroundLineNumber:function(){var o=new Error,t=0;if(o.stack){var i=o.stack.match(/boomerang\S+:(\d+):\d+/);i&&(t=i[1])}return t},_checkOnInfiniteLoop:function(o,t){if(!this._loopTimers[o])return this._loopTimers[o]=t,!1;var i=t-this._loopTimers[o];if(i>this.MAX_TIME_IN_LOOP_WO_EXIT)throw"Infinite Loop found on loop: "+o},_getTime:function(){return+new Date}},window.CP.shouldStopExecution=function(o){var t=window.CP.PenTimer.shouldStopLoop(o);return t===!0&&console.warn("[CodePen]: An infinite loop (or a loop taking too long) was detected, so we stopped its execution. Sorry!"),t},window.CP.exitedLoop=function(o){window.CP.PenTimer.exitedLoop(o)}; var names = ['Robert', 'John Doe', 'Caroline Roux', 'Aurélie Filippeti', 'Eva Joly', 'Linus Torvalds', 'Chris Coyier', 'Tiffany Rayside', 'Burdeau', 'Joanna', 'Longlongtestname', 'Georges Pompi', 'Greg Adams', 'Gabrielle', 'Françoise', 'Leonard', 'Jeanne', 'Vous', 'abcdearhgeirgh', 'William Lémergi', 'Valérie Zard', 'mnopqouerhgiueghiksehg', 'blar bla bla', 'Johnny', 'Sasha Grey', 'Agnès Bailhache', 'Mozart', 'Bethoven', 'Schwarze', 'Antonio Banderas', 'Zhao Wei', 'Norman Reedus', 'Olivia Wilde', 'Lauren', 'Muriel', 'Jason Statham', 'Andrew Lincoln', 'Ethan Cohen', 'James', 'Vinnie Jones', 'Catherine Esta', 'Xavier', 'Murielle', 'Entreprise', 'Almodovar', 'Magritte', 'Vivaldi', 'Polémique', 'Paris', 'In Love', 'Merci', 'Soleil', 'Diable', 'Alain Bouc', 'Livre', '1 800', 'Modern', 'Centre', 'Terrifiant', 'Contemporain', 'Museum', 'Laboratoire', 'Artistique', 'Tonny', 'Yvan', 'Force', 'Automobile', 'Barak Obam', 'Patron', 'Singe', 'Connerie', 'Donald', 'Impressionnant', 'Relatif', 'Affair', 'Chat', 'Marian', 'Robert', 'John Doe', 'Caroline Roux', 'Aurélie Filippeti', 'Eva Joly', 'Linus Torvalds', 'Chris Coyier', 'Tiffany Rayside', 'Burdeau', 'Joanna', 'Longlongtestname', 'Georges Pompi', 'Greg Adams', 'Gabrielle', 'Françoise', 'Leonard', 'Jeanne', 'Vous', 'abcdearhgeirgh', 'William Lémergi', 'Valérie Zard', 'mnopqouerhgiueghiksehg', 'blar bla bla', 'Johnny', 'Sasha Grey', 'Agnès Bailhache', 'Mozart', 'Bethoven', 'Schwarze', 'Antonio Banderas', 'Zhao Wei', 'Norman Reedus', 'Olivia Wilde', 'Lauren', 'Muriel', 'Jason Statham', 'Andrew Lincoln', 'Ethan Cohen', 'James', 'Vinnie Jones', 'Catherine Esta', 'Xavier', 'Murielle', 'Entreprise', 'Almodovar', 'Magritte', 'Vivaldi', 'Polémique', 'Paris', 'In Love', 'Merci', 'Soleil', 'Diable', 'Alain Bouc', 'Livre', '1 800', 'Modern', 'Centre', 'Terrifiant', 'Contemporain', 'Museum', 'Laboratoire', 'Artistique', 'Tonny', 'Yvan', 'Force', 'Automobile', 'Barak Obam', 'Patron', 'Singe', 'Connerie', 'Donald', 'Impressionnant', 'Relatif', 'Affair', 'Chat', 'Marian']; var strangeHash = function strangeHash(str) { var hash = 0; if (str.length === 0) { return hash; } for (var i = 0, len = str.length; i < len; i++) {if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(1)){break;}if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(1)){break;} var chr = str.charCodeAt(i); hash = (hash << 11) - hash + chr; hash |= 0; } window.CP.exitedLoop(1); window.CP.exitedLoop(1); return (new Array().join('') + Math.abs(hash)).slice(-10).replace(/0/g, ''); // Generate string with 8 chars without '0' }; []'canvas'), function (c, i) { var ctx = c.getContext('2d'), h = strangeHash(names[i]); ctx.translate(32, 32); ctx.rotate(Math.PI / 2); for (var j = 0; j < 8; j++) {if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(3)){break;}if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(3)){break;} // Colors (Red, Green, Blue, Alpha) is here. var r = h[0] * 100 % 255, // This formula doesn't make sense g = h[j] * 100 % 255, // And this too... b = h[10 - j] * 100 % 255, // Too many strange ideas in this generator :) a = h[j] / 10; ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(' + r + ',' + g + ',' + b + ',' + a + ')'; // Coordinates of rectangle. Another strange thing. But result looks fine... var c1 = h[j] * h[j] % 16, c2 = h[j] * h[7] % 19, c3 = h[j] * h[0] % 12, c4 = h[j] * h[0] % 22; // Some "normalization" if (c1 + c2 < 12) { c1 *= -2; c2 *= -2; c3 *= 2; c4 *= 2; } // Some experiments here...... var s = h[7] % 42 + 2; for (var k = 0; k < 4 * s; k++) {if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(2)){break;}if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(2)){break;} ctx.fillRect(c1, c2, c3, c4); ctx.rotate(Math.PI / s); } window.CP.exitedLoop(2); window.CP.exitedLoop(2); } window.CP.exitedLoop(3); window.CP.exitedLoop(3); }); /////
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