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// create a canvas element var canvas = document.createElement("canvas") // attach element to DOM document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(canvas) // background color [r, g, b] var bg = [20, 0, 30] var wh = window.innerHeight // get the canvas context (this is the part we draw to) var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d") function setup() { // setup the canvas size to match the window canvas.width = window.innerWidth canvas.height = window.innerHeight wh = window.innerWidth < window.innerHeight ? window.innerWidth : window.innerHeight // set the 0,0 point to the middle of the canvas, this is not necessary but it can be handy ctx.translate(canvas.width / 2, canvas.height / 2) fill(bg, 1) } // fill entire canvas with a preset color function fill(rgb, amt) { ctx.beginPath(); // start path ctx.rect(- canvas.width / 2, - canvas.height / 2, canvas.width, canvas.height) // set rectangle to be the same size as the window ctx.fillStyle = `rgba(${rgb[0]}, ${rgb[1]}, ${rgb[2]}, ${amt})` // use the rgb array/color for fill, and amt for opacity ctx.fill() // do the drawing } function drawCircle(x, y, r, color) { ctx.beginPath() ctx.arc(x ,y , r, 0, 2 * Math.PI) ctx.fillStyle = color || 'white' ctx.fill() ctx.closePath() } function Particle() { // initialize loopers with random trange and offset this.loop1 = new Looper(500 + 200 * Math.random(), 860 * Math.random()) this.loop2 = new Looper(320 + 70 * Math.random(), 20 * Math.random()) this.loop3 = new Looper(120 + 20 * Math.random(), 140 * Math.random()) this.history = [] this.history_max = 40 // this.x = null // this.y = null this.offset = Math.random() // some color offset for the color this.draw = function (){ // set x,y, radius, and color params var x = this.loop1.sin * (wh / 4 - 10) + this.loop2.sin * (wh / 6 - 10) + this.loop3.sin * 60 var y = this.loop1.cos * (wh / 4 - 10) + this.loop2.cos * (wh / 6 - 10) + this.loop3.cos * 10 var r = 0.2 + 3 * this.loop3.sinNorm * this.loop3.cosNorm // set the radius var c = `hsla(${280 + 60 * (this.loop3.cosNorm + this.offset) * this.loop2.sinNorm}, ${100}%, ${50 + 10 * this.loop3.sin}%, ${1})` ctx.beginPath() ctx.strokeStyle = c ctx.lineCap = 'round' ctx.lineWidth = r var tx = x var ty = y for (var i = 0; i < Math.min(this.history_max * this.loop3.cosNorm, this.history.length); i++) { ctx.moveTo(tx, ty) tx = this.history[i][0] ty = this.history[i][1] ctx.lineTo(tx,ty) } ctx.stroke() drawCircle(x, y, r*2 + 3, c); // draw the circle this.loop1.update() // update looper this.loop2.update() // update looper this.loop3.update() // update looper this.history.unshift([x, y]) if (this.history.length > this.history_max) { this.history.pop() } } } // initialize a set of particle var particles = [] for (var i = 0; i < 90; i ++) { particles.push(new Particle()) } function draw() { // fill context with background color fill(bg, 0.36) // update all the particles for (var i = 0; i < particles.length; i ++) { particles[i].draw() // do it once } // this is a draw loop, this will execute frequently and is comparable to EnterFrame on other platform window.requestAnimationFrame(function(){draw()}) } // start enterFrame loop window.requestAnimationFrame(draw); // force running setup setup() // re-setup canvas when the size of the window changes window.addEventListener("resize", setup) // create a class to hold value and have built in incrementing functionality function Looper (steps, start) { this.val = start || 0 // set value to start value if defined, or 1 this.steps = steps || 100 // set steps to passed value or default to 100 this.norm = this.val / this.range // initialize normalized value (between 0 and 1) this.sin = Math.sin(this.norm * Math.PI * 2) // get sine value from norm normalized to [0, 2PI] this.sinNorm = (this.sin + 1) / 2 // normalize sin to [0,1] this.cos = Math.cos(this.norm * Math.PI * 2) // get cosine value from norm normalized to [0, 2PI] this.cosNorm = (this.cos + 1) / 2 // normalize cos to [0,1] this.update = function () { this.val = (this.val + 1) % this.steps // update value this.norm = this.val / this.steps // update normalize value (between 0 and 1) this.sin = Math.sin(this.norm * Math.PI * 2) // get sine value from norm normalized to [0, 2PI] this.sinNorm = (this.sin + 1) / 2 // normalize sine to [0,1] this.cos = Math.cos(this.norm * Math.PI * 2) // get cosine value from norm normalized to [0, 2PI] this.cosNorm = (this.cos + 1) / 2 // normalize cos to [0,1] } }
canvas, body{ padding: 0; margin: 0; overflow: hidden; }
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