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/* _ _ ____ ___ _ _ |\/| |__| | |__| | | | | | | | */ // Vector math var vec3 = { add: function (a, b) { return [a[0] + b[0], a[1] + b[1], a[2] + b[2]]; }, sub: function (a, b) { return [a[0] - b[0], a[1] - b[1], a[2] - b[2]]; }, div: function (v, d) { return [v[0] / d, v[1] / d, v[2] / d]; }, dot: function (a, b) { return a[0] * b[0] + a[1] * b[1] + a[2] * b[2]; }, cross: function (a, b) { return [ a[1] * b[2] - a[2] * b[1], a[2] * b[0] - a[0] * b[2], a[0] * b[1] - a[1] * b[0] ]; }, magnitude: function (v) { return Math.sqrt(v[0] * v[0] + v[1] * v[1] + v[2] * v[2]); }, normalize: function (v) { var m = this.magnitude(v); return this.div(v, m); } }; // Matrix math var mat4 = { perspective: function (fovy, aspect, near, far) { var f = 1 / Math.tan(fovy * 0.5); var nf = 1 / (near - far); return [ f / aspect, 0, 0, 0, 0, f, 0, 0, 0, 0, (near + far) * nf, -1, 0, 0, 2 * near * far * nf, 0 ]; }, lookAt: function (eye, center, up) { var w = vec3.normalize(vec3.sub(eye, center)); var u = vec3.normalize(vec3.cross(up, w)); var v = vec3.normalize(vec3.cross(w, u)); return [ u[0], v[0], w[0], 0, u[1], v[1], w[1], 0, u[2], v[2], w[2], 0,, eye),, eye),, eye), 1 ] } }; /* ____ _ ____ ____ ___ _ _ ___ | __ | [__ |___ | | | |__] |__] |___ ___] |___ | |__| | */ var gl; var prg; var vbo; // Get a canvas of the name and return its webgl context var getGLContext = function(name) { var canvas = document.getElementById(name || 'canvas'); if (canvas === null) { console.error('Could not get the canvas'); return; } var ctx = canvas.getContext('webgl'); if (ctx === null) { console.error('Could not get WebGL context'); return; } return ctx; }; // Create vertex shader with script element id var createVertexShader = function(id) { var vs = gl.createShader(gl.VERTEX_SHADER); gl.shaderSource(vs, document.getElementById(id).textContent); gl.compileShader(vs); if (!gl.getShaderParameter(vs, gl.COMPILE_STATUS)) { console.error(gl.getShaderInfoLog(vs)); return; } return vs; }; // Create fragment shader with script element id var createFragmentShader = function(id) { var fs = gl.createShader(gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER); gl.shaderSource(fs, document.getElementById(id).textContent); gl.compileShader(fs); if (!gl.getShaderParameter(fs, gl.COMPILE_STATUS)) { console.error(gl.getShaderInfoLog(fs)); return; } return fs; }; // Initialize program var initProgram = function() { // Create and attach shaders var vs = createVertexShader('gl_vs'); if (vs === null) return; var fs = createFragmentShader('gl_fs'); if (fs === null) return; prg = gl.createProgram(); gl.attachShader(prg, vs); gl.attachShader(prg, fs); // Link the program and use it gl.linkProgram(prg); if (!gl.getProgramParameter(prg, gl.LINK_STATUS)) { console.error('Could not link the progam'); return; } gl.useProgram(prg); // Extra variables prg.a_pos = gl.getAttribLocation(prg, 'a_pos'); prg.u_proj = gl.getUniformLocation(prg, 'u_proj'); prg.u_view = gl.getUniformLocation(prg, 'u_view'); }; // Initialize buffers var initBuffers = function() { space.init(); vbo = gl.createBuffer(); gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, vbo); gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, new Float32Array(space.posStars), gl.STATIC_DRAW); }; /* _ ____ ____ ___ | | | | | |__] |___ |__| |__| | */ var frameCount = 0; var time = 0; var proj; var view; var update = function() { time = frameCount / 60; proj = mat4.perspective(Math.PI * 0.25, gl.canvas.width / gl.canvas.height, 1, 1000); eye = [0, 0, Math.sin(time * 0.05) * 200 + 200]; var center = [Math.cos(time)*0.05, Math.sin(time)*0.05, eye[2] + 1]; view = mat4.lookAt(eye, center, [0, 1, 0]); frameCount++; }; var draw = function() { gl.clearColor(0, 0, 0, 1); gl.clear(gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | gl.DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); gl.uniformMatrix4fv(prg.u_proj, false, proj); gl.uniformMatrix4fv(prg.u_view, false, view); gl.vertexAttribPointer(prg.a_pos, 3, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0); gl.enableVertexAttribArray(prg.a_pos); gl.drawArrays(gl.POINTS, 0, space.nStars); }; var loop = function() { update(); draw(); requestAnimationFrame(loop); }; /* ____ ___ ____ ____ ____ [__ |__] |__| | |___ ___] | | | |___ |___ */ var space = { nStars: 10000, posStars: [], placeStars: function(zspan) { zspan = zspan || 500; for (var i = 0; i < this.nStars; i++) { this.posStars.push(Math.random()*4-2, Math.random()*4-2, Math.random()*zspan); } }, init: function(zspan) { this.posStars = []; this.placeStars(zspan); } }; /* ____ ___ ____ ____ ___ ___ ____ _ _ _ ___ [__ | |__| |__/ | |__] | | | |\ | | ___] | | | | \ | | |__| | | \| | */ // Start everything once the window is done loading window.onload = function() { gl = getGLContext('canvas'); if (gl === null) return; gl.canvas.width = window.innerWidth; gl.canvas.height = window.innerHeight; gl.viewport(0, 0, gl.canvas.width, gl.canvas.height); gl.enable(gl.DEPTH_TEST); initProgram(); initBuffers(); loop(); };
* { margin: 0; }
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