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//****************************************************** // Yet Another Particle Engine var cos = Math.cos, sin = Math.sin, sqrt = Math.sqrt, abs = Math.abs, atan2 = Math.atan2, log = Math.log, random = Math.random, PI = Math.PI, sqr = function(v){return v*v;}, particles = [], drawScale = 1, emitters = [], forces = [], collidedMass = 0, maxParticles = 100, emissionRate = 1; //------------------------------------------------------- // Vectors, and not the kind you put stuff in function Vector(x, y, z) { this.x = x || 0; this.y = y || 0; this.z = z || 0; } Vector.prototype = { add : function(vector) { this.x += vector.x; this.y += vector.y; this.z += vector.z; return this; }, subtract : function(vector) { this.x -= vector.x; this.y -= vector.y; this.z -= vector.z; return this; }, multiply : function(another) { this.x /= another.x; this.y /= another.y; this.z /= another.z; return this; }, divide : function(another) { this.x /= another.x; this.y /= another.y; this.z /= another.z; return this; }, scale : function(factor) { this.x *= factor; this.y *= factor; this.z *= factor; return this; }, magnitude : function () { return sqrt(sqr(this.x + this.y)); }, distance : function (another) { return abs(sqrt(sqr(this.x - another.x) + sqr(this.y - another.y))); }, angle : function (angle, magnitude) { if(angle && magnitude) return Vector.fromAngle(angle, magnitude); return atan2(this.y, this.x); }, clone : function() { return new Vector(this.x, this.y, this.z); }, equals : function(another) { return this.x === another.x && this.y === another.y && this.z === another.z; }, random : function(r) { this.x += (random() * r * 2) - r; this.y += (random() * r * 2) - r; return this; } }; Vector.fromAngle = function (angle, magnitude) { return new Vector( magnitude * cos(angle), magnitude * sin(angle), magnitude * sin(angle)); }; //****************************************************** // A thing with mass, position, and velocity - like your mom function Particle(pt, vc, ac, mass) { this.pos = pt || new Vector(0, 0); = vc || new Vector(0, 0); = ac || new Vector(0, 0); this.mass = mass || 1; this.alive = true; } Particle.prototype.move = function () {; this.pos.add(; }; Particle.prototype.reactToForces = function (fields) { var totalAccelerationX = 0; var totalAccelerationY = 0; for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { var field = fields[i]; var vectorX = field.pos.x - this.pos.x; var vectorY = field.pos.y - this.pos.y; var distance = this.pos.distance(field.pos); if(distance < 1) field.grow(this); if(distance < 100) this.doubleSize = true; var force = G(this.forceBetween(field, distance)); totalAccelerationX += vectorX * force; totalAccelerationY += vectorY * force; } = new Vector(totalAccelerationX, totalAccelerationY); totalAccelerationX = 0; totalAccelerationY = 0; for (var i = 0; i < particles.length; i++) { var field = particles[i]; if(field === this || !field.alive) continue; var vectorX = field.pos.x - this.pos.x; var vectorY = field.pos.y - this.pos.y; var distance = this.pos.distance(field.pos); if(distance < 1) { if(this.mass >= field.mass) { var massRatio = this.mass / field.mass; if(particles.length <= maxParticles && this.mass>40) { this.alive = false; this.nova = true; collidedMass += this.mass; } else this.grow(field); } else this.alive = false; } if(this.alive) { var force = G(this.forceBetween(field, distance)); totalAccelerationX += vectorX * G(force); totalAccelerationY += vectorY * G(force); } } var travelDist = this.pos.distance(this.lastPos ? this.lastPos : this.pos); this.velocity = travelDist - (this.lastDistance ? this.lastDistance : travelDist); this.lastDistance = travelDist; this.lastPos = this.pos.clone(); Vector(totalAccelerationX, totalAccelerationY)); this.lastPos = this.pos.clone(); // if(this.mass > 20) { // var chance = 1 / (this.mass - 20); // if(Math.random()>chance) { // this.supernova = true; // this.supernovaDur = 10; // this.alive = false; // if(particles.length <= maxParticles) collidedMass += this.mass; // delete this.size; // } // } }; Particle.prototype.grow = function (another) { this.mass += another.mass; this.nova = true; another.alive = false; delete this.size; }; Particle.prototype.breakApart = function(minMass, maxParts) { if(!minMass) minMass = 1; if(!maxParts) maxParts = 2; var remainingMass = this.mass; var num = 0; while(remainingMass > 0) { var np = new Particle(this.pos.clone().random(this.mass), new Vector(0,0)); np.mass = 1 + Math.random() * (remainingMass - 1); if(num>=maxParts-1) np.mass = remainingMass; np.mass = np.mass < minMass ? minMass : np.mass; remainingMass -= np.mass; num++; } this.nova = true; delete this.size; this.alive = false; }; Particle.prototype.forceBetween = function(another, distance) { var distance = distance? distance : this.pos.distance(another.pos); return (this.mass * another.mass) / sqr(distance); }; //****************************************************** //This certainly doesn't *sub*mit to particles, that's for sure function ParticleEmitter(pos, vc, ang) { // to do config options for emitter - random, static, show emitter, emitter color, etc this.pos = pos; = vc; this.ang = ang || 0.09; this.color = "#999"; } ParticleEmitter.prototype.emit = function() { var angle = + this.ang - (Math.random() * this.ang * 2); var magnitude =; var position = this.pos.clone(); position.add( new Vector( ~~((Math.random() * 100) - 50) * drawScale, ~~((Math.random() * 100) - 50) * drawScale )); var velocity = Vector.fromAngle(angle, magnitude); return new Particle(position,velocity); }; //****************************************************** // Use it, Luke // to do collapse functionality into particle function Force(pos, m) { this.pos = pos; this.mass = m || 100; } Force.prototype.grow = function (another) { this.mass += another.mass; this.burp = true; another.alive = false; }; function G(data) { return 0.00674 * data; } //****************************************************** var canvas = document.querySelector('#scene'); var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); canvas.width = window.innerWidth; canvas.height = window.innerHeight; var canvasWidth = canvas.width; var canvasHeight = canvas.height; var renderToCanvas = function (width, height, renderFunction) { var buffer = document.createElement('canvas'); buffer.width = width; buffer.height = height; renderFunction(buffer.getContext('2d')); return buffer; }; maxParticles = 500; emissionRate = 1; drawScale = 1.3; minParticleSize = 2; emitters = [ //br new ParticleEmitter( new Vector( canvasWidth / 2 * drawScale + 400, canvasHeight / 2 * drawScale ), Vector.fromAngle(2, 5), 1 ), // // bl // new ParticleEmitter( // new Vector( // canvasWidth / 2 * drawScale - 400, // canvasHeight / 2 * drawScale + 400 // ), // Vector.fromAngle(1.5, 1), // 1 // ), // tl new ParticleEmitter( new Vector( canvasWidth / 2 * drawScale - 400, canvasHeight / 2 * drawScale ), Vector.fromAngle(5, 5), 1 ), // // tr // new ParticleEmitter( // new Vector( // canvasWidth / 2 * drawScale + 400, // canvasHeight / 2 * drawScale - 400 // ), // Vector.fromAngle(4.5, 1), // 1 // ) ]; forces = [ new Force( new Vector((canvasWidth / 2 * drawScale) , (canvasHeight / 2 * drawScale)), 1800) ]; function loop() { clear(); update(); draw(); queue(); } function clear() { ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); } var ctr = 0; var c = [ 'rgba(255,255,255,', 'rgba(0,150,255,', 'rgba(255,255,128,', 'rgba(255,255,255,' ]; function rndc() { return c[~~(Math.random() * c.length-1)]; } var c2 = 'rgba(255,64,32,'; function addNewParticles() { var _emit = function() { var ret = 0; for (var i = 0; i < emitters.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < emissionRate; j++) { var p = emitters[i].emit(); p.color = ( ctr % 10 === 0 ) ? ( Math.random() * 5 <= 1 ? c2 : rndc() ) : rndc(); p.mass = ~~(Math.random() * 5); particles.push(p); ret += p.mass; ctr++; } } return ret; }; if(collidedMass !== 0) { while(collidedMass !== 0) { collidedMass -= _emit(); collidedMass = collidedMass<0 ? 0 :collidedMass; } } if (particles.length > maxParticles) return; _emit(); } var CLIPOFFSCREEN = 1, BUFFEROFFSCREEN = 2, LOOPSCREEN = 3; function isPositionAliveAndAdjust(particle,check) { return true; var pos = particle.pos; if(!check) check = BUFFEROFFSCREEN; if(check === CLIPOFFSCREEN) { return !(!particle.alive || pos.x < 0 || (pos.x / drawScale) > boundsX || pos.y < 0 || (pos.y / drawScale) > boundsY); } else if(check === BUFFEROFFSCREEN) { return !(!particle.alive || pos.x < -boundsX * drawScale || pos.x > 2 * boundsX * drawScale || pos.y < -boundsY * drawScale || pos.y > 2 * boundsY * drawScale); } else if(check === LOOPSCREEN) { if (pos.x < 0) pos.x = boundsX * drawScale; if ((pos.x / drawScale) > boundsX) pos.x = 0; if (pos.y < 0) pos.y = boundsY * drawScale; if ((pos.y / drawScale) > boundsY) pos.y = 0; return true; } } function plotParticles(boundsX, boundsY) { var currentParticles = []; for (var i = 0; i < particles.length; i++) { var particle = particles[i]; particle.reactToForces(forces); if(!isPositionAliveAndAdjust(particle)) continue; particle.move(); currentParticles.push(particle); } } var offscreenCache = {}; function renderParticle(p) { var position = p.pos; if(!p.size) p.size = Math.floor(p.mass / 100); if(!p.opacity) p.opacity = 0.05; if(p.velocity > 0) { if(p.opacity<=0.18) p.opacity += 0.04; } if(p.opacity>0.08) p.opacity -= 0.02; var actualSize = p.size / drawScale; actualSize = actualSize < minParticleSize ? minParticleSize : actualSize; if(p.mass>8) actualSize *= 2; if(p.nova) { actualSize *= 4; p.nova = false; } if(p.doubleSize) { p.doubleSize = false; actualSize *= 2; } // if(p.supernova) { // actualSize *= 6; // opacity = 0.15; // p.supernovaDur = p.supernovaDur - 1; // if(p.supernovaDur === 0) // p.supernova = false; // } var cacheKey = actualSize + '_' + p.opacity + '_' + p.color; var cacheValue = offscreenCache[cacheKey]; if(!cacheValue) { cacheValue = renderToCanvas(actualSize * 32, actualSize * 32, function(ofsContext) { var opacity = p.opacity; var fills = [ {size:actualSize/2, opacity:1}, {size:actualSize, opacity:opacity}, {size:actualSize * 2, opacity:opacity / 2}, {size:actualSize * 4, opacity:opacity / 3}, {size:actualSize * 8, opacity:opacity / 5}, {size:actualSize * 16, opacity:opacity / 16} ]; ofsContext.beginPath(); for(var f in fills) { f = fills[f]; ofsContext.fillStyle = p.color + f.opacity + ')'; ofsContext.arc( actualSize * 16, actualSize * 16, f.size , 0, Math.PI*2, true); ofsContext.fill(); } ofsContext.closePath(); }); offscreenCache[cacheKey] = cacheValue; } var posX = p.pos.x / drawScale; var posY = p.pos.y / drawScale; ctx.drawImage(cacheValue, posX, posY); } var fills = [ {size:15,opacity:1 }, {size:25,opacity:0.3}, {size:50,opacity:0.1} ]; function renderScene(ofsContext) { for (var i = 0; i < forces.length; i++) { var p = forces[i]; var position = p.pos; var opacity = 1; ofsContext.beginPath(); for(var f in fills) { f = fills[f]; var o = p.burp === true ? 1 : f.opacity; p.burp = false; // ofsContext.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,' + o + ')'; // ofsContext.arc(position.x / drawScale, // position.y / drawScale, // f.size / drawScale, 0, Math.PI*2, true); // ofsContext.fill(); } ofsContext.closePath(); } for (var i = 0; i < particles.length; i++) { var p = particles[i]; renderParticle(p); } } function draw() { renderScene(ctx); } function update() { addNewParticles(); plotParticles(canvas.width, canvas.height); } function queue() { window.requestAnimationFrame(loop); } $('canvas').mousedown(function(e){ }); $('canvas').mouseup(function(e){ }); loop();
body, html { margin: 0; padding: 0; } canvas { -webkit-touch-callout: none; -webkit-user-select: none; user-select: none; } canvas div { background-color: transparent; } #scene { background-color: black; -webkit-touch-callout: none; -webkit-user-select: none; user-select: none; }
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