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/** * @author Nicolas Barradeau * * twitter @nicoptere */ (function() { var raf = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || function(func) { setTimeout(func, 1000 / 30 ); }; var c, ctx, width, height, margin = 100, size, half, reference, polar, mover, projection, ready = false; window.onload = function() { c = document.getElementById( "canvas" ); ctx = c.getContext( "2d" ); window.onresize = onResize; onResize(); } function reset() { margin = 100; size = Math.min( width, height ) / 2 - margin; half = size / 2; reference = new rect( width / 4 - size, height / 2 - half, size * 2, size ); mover = new movable( new point( width / 4, height / 2 ), reference, true ); polar = new circle( width / 2 + size, height / 2, size ); projection = new movable( new point( width / 2, height / 2 ), reference, false ); } function update() { ctx.clearRect( 0,0, width, height ); //ctx.fillStyle = "rgba( 255,255,255, .08 )";//trails... //ctx.fillRect( 0,0,width, height ); //draw reference space ctx.lineWidth = "1"; ctx.strokeStyle = "#AAA"; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.strokeRect( reference.x, reference.y, reference.w, reference.h ); ctx.closePath(); //draw moving dot ctx.lineWidth = "1"; mover.update(); mover.render( ctx, "#666" ); //draw polar space ctx.strokeStyle = "#AAA"; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.lineWidth = "0"; ctx.arc( polar.x, polar.y, 2, 0, Math.PI * 2, true ); ctx.stroke(); ctx.arc( polar.x, polar.y, polar.r, 0, Math.PI * 2, true ); ctx.stroke(); ctx.closePath(); //mapping from reference space to polar space var angle = mover.p.x, mover.r.x, mover.r.x + mover.r.w, 0, Math.PI * 2 ); var radius = mover.p.y, mover.r.y, mover.r.y + mover.r.h, polar.r, 0 ); //projection to polar space projection.p.x = polar.x + Math.cos( angle ) * radius; projection.p.y = polar.y + Math.sin( angle ) * radius; //draw projected dot projection.update(); projection.render( ctx, "#666" ); //visual helpers ctx.lineWidth = "2"; //reference plane ctx.strokeStyle = "#F00"; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo( mover.p.x, mover.r.y ); ctx.lineTo( mover.p.x, mover.p.y ); ctx.stroke(); ctx.closePath(); ctx.strokeStyle = "#00F"; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo( mover.r.x, mover.r.y ); ctx.lineTo( mover.p.x, mover.r.y ); ctx.stroke(); ctx.closePath(); //polar coordinates ctx.beginPath(); ctx.strokeStyle = "#F00"; ctx.moveTo( polar.x + Math.cos( angle ) * polar.r, polar.y + Math.sin( angle ) * polar.r ); ctx.lineTo( projection.p.x, projection.p.y ); ctx.stroke(); ctx.closePath(); ctx.strokeStyle = "#00F"; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc( polar.x, polar.y, polar.r, 0, angle, false ); ctx.stroke(); ctx.closePath(); raf( update ); } function onResize( e ) { width = getWidth( document.body ); height = getHeight( document.body ); c.width = width; c.height = height; reset(); if( ready === false ) update(); ready = true; } function getWidth( element ){return Math.max(element.scrollWidth,element.offsetWidth,element.clientWidth );} function getHeight( element ){return Math.max(element.scrollHeight,element.offsetHeight,element.clientHeight );} var point = function( x,y ){this.x = x||0;this.y = y||0;} point.prototype = { add : function( p ){return new point( this.x + p.x, this.y + p.y );} ,sub : function( p ){return new point( this.x - p.x, this.y - p.y );} ,length : function(){return Math.sqrt( this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y );} ,normalize : function ( scale ){scale = scale || 1;var l = this.length();this.x /= l;this.x *= scale;this.y /= l;this.y *= scale;return this;} } var circle = function( x,y,radius ){this.x = x||0;this.y = y||0;this.r = radius||0;} var rect = function( x,y,w,h ){this.x = x||0;this.y = y||0;this.w = w||0;this.h = h||1;} var movable = function( point, rect, automatic ) { this.p = point; this.r = rect; this.speed = 2; this.trail = []; this.automatic = automatic || false; } movable.prototype = { update : function() { this.trail.push( this.p.x, this.p.y ); if( this.automatic == false ) return; if( this.acc == null ) this.acc = new point(0,0); if( this.vel == null ) this.vel = new point(0,0); this.acc.x += ( Math.random() - .5 ) * .4; this.acc.y += ( Math.random() - .5 ) * .4; this.acc.normalize( .9 ); this.vel = this.vel.add( this.acc ); this.vel.x = utils.clamp( this.vel.x, -this.speed, this.speed ); this.vel.y = utils.clamp( this.vel.y, -this.speed, this.speed ); this.p.x += this.vel.x; this.p.y += this.vel.y; this.bounds(); }, bounds : function() { if( this.p.x < this.r.x || this.p.x > this.r.x + this.r.w ) { this.vel.x *= -1; this.acc.x *= -.9; } if( this.p.y < this.r.y || this.p.y > this.r.y + this.r.h ) { this.vel.y *= -1; this.acc.y *= -.9; } }, render : function( ctx, color ) { ctx.fillStyle = color; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc( this.p.x, this.p.y, 5, 0, Math.PI * 2 ); ctx.fill(); ctx.closePath(); if( this.trail.length < 2 ) return; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.strokeStyle = color; for( var i = 0; i < this.trail.length - 2; i+= 2 ) { ctx.moveTo( this.trail[ i ], this.trail[ i + 1 ] ); ctx.lineTo( this.trail[ i + 2 ], this.trail[ i + 3 ] ); } ctx.stroke(); ctx.closePath(); if( this.trail.length > 2500 ) { this.trail.shift(); this.trail.shift(); } } } var utils = function(){}; utils.lerp = function( t, a, b ){ return a + t * ( b - a ); }; utils.norm = function( t, a, b ){ return ( t - a ) / ( b - a ); }; = function( t, a0, b0, a1, b1 ){ return utils.lerp( utils.norm( t, a0, b0 ), a1, b1 ); }; utils.clamp = function( t, min, max ){ return Math.min( max, Math.max( t, min ) ); }; })();
html, body, canvas { margin : 0px; width : 100%; height : 100%; overflow: hidden; }
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