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Tips: you can use Sparticle for uploading away3D effects.

Tips: you can download Sparticle for uploading effects.

Tips: The ActionScript editor is supporting Away3D, Starling, Dragonbones and Flex frameworks.

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ConceptArt - 琉璃窗

/imagine prompt: Art Nouveau style, an award-winning masterpiece stained glass window featuring a symmetrical design of vibrant morning glory flowers intertwined with delicate foliage. The overall color scheme is composed of rich hues that harmonize beautifully when illuminated by sunlight streaming through the colored glass. The window takes on a vertical orientation, resembling a towering archway adorned with intricate floral patterns. Inspired by the innovative designs of Louis Comfort Tiffany and the whimsical elements of Marc Chagall, this stained-glass window exudes an ethereal and dreamlike quality. As you gaze upon it, you can almost hear the flowers whispering their secrets in a soft breeze. The scene captures a sense of tranquility and enchantment, transporting viewers to a world where nature and art intertwine effortlessly. Bright sunlight is streaming through the window, emphasizing the colors of the stained glass. Very detailed and intricate, 8K. --ar 9:16 --c 12 --s 550 --q 2


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