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Tips: you can use Sparticle for uploading away3D effects.

Tips: you can download Sparticle for uploading effects.

Tips: The ActionScript editor is supporting Away3D, Starling, Dragonbones and Flex frameworks.

Tips: paste the web page URL then click button:)

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Liao Cheng

Flare3D - AGAL2 demo (Shared from Internet)

The demo has around 34 dynamic lights, glow/bloom for emissive lighting, exponential fog, some post FX and gamma correction, plus collisions with the entire scene.


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    SarahHannah MaryCowell GlennaJames RilynFreeman AthenaBarnarda Kassy Taylor christophe.bessis feng inCreactive

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OXYGEN 2015-10-14


feng 2014-09-10


inCreactive 2014-09-05

I gotta learn how to do this, it's so cool.

About This Work

12 coins    0 downloads   .   -


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  1. AGAL2 demo (android)
  2. Ancient China


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  1. Nice
  2. hi
  3. GlennaJames
  4. fgfhj

Liao Cheng's More Works

  1. light
  2. Away3D Depth Buffer Reusage
  3. falling leaves
  4. AGAL2 demo (android)

Open in Mobile Device

  1. AGAL2 demo


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